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Marietta Traffic Violation Points

Driving is a privilege, not a right, and many people take it for granted. Nevertheless, operating a vehicle is a tremendous responsibility, and it is vital that drivers exercise extreme caution and attentiveness while on the road. There are occasions, however, in which we make poor choices, often resulting in one or more traffic violations. You may be penalized by receiving points against your driving record. The prestigious firm of Webb & D'Orazio, located in Cobb County, is experienced at preventing such convictions. Accumulating 15 or more points over the course of 24 months is an automatic license suspension. Retaining the representation of attorneys Webb & D'Orazio decreases the likelihood of points being imposed on your driving record. It is important to keep in mind that the following violations incur license points:

The following violations result in points on your record:

  • Aggressive driving.......................................................................................................6 points
  • Reckless driving..........................................................................................................4 points
  • Unlawful passing of a school bus................................................................................6 points
  • Improper passing on a hill or a curve..........................................................................4 points
  • Exceeding the speed limit by more than 14 miles per hour but less than 19 miles per hour.............................................................................................................................2 points
  • Exceeding the speed limit by 19 miles per hour or more but less than 24 miles per hour.............................................................................................................................3 points
  • Exceeding the speed limit by 24 miles per hour or more but less than 34 miles per hour.............................................................................................................................4 points
  • Exceeding the speed limit by 34 miles per hour or more............................................6 points
  • Disobedience of any traffic-control device or traffic officer..........................................3 points
  • Too fast for conditions.................................................................................................0 points
  • Possessing an open container of an alcoholic beverage while driving........................2 points
  • Failure to adequately secure a load, except fresh farm produce, resulting in loss of such load onto the roadway which results in an accident..........................................................................2 points
  • Violation of child safety restraint requirements, first offense.......................................1 point
  • Violation of child safety restraint requirements, second or subsequent offense........................................................................................................................2 points
  • Violation of usage of wireless telecommunications device requirements..............................................................................................................1 point
  • Operating a vehicle while text messaging..................................................................1 point
  • All other moving traffic violations which are not speed limit violations........................3 points

Featured Testimonial

"Having dealt with attorneys for many years, I always walked away feeling dissatisfied and taken advantage of. Robert was forthcoming and honest with what options we had, spoke and treated my family like humans. He was conscious of our budget and of our time. We need more attorney's like Robert."
